GHHC @ Harambee school

At the end of September, God’s Hygiene Help Center (GHHC) had the pleasure of speaking to the 5-8th graders at Harambee Christian School. Harambee is an outstanding Christian PreK – 8th grade, tuition-free, school located in South Linden.

GHHC’s Executive Director, Kathryn, and GHHC’s Founder, Tammy, spoke to the students of the blessing the Lord has provided to GHHC. Tammy shared the difficult journey she had as a child and her leaving school early. Kathryn explained that, while there are diverse reasons some children stop attending school, it is imperative to continue attending school and learning to prepare them to become confident and independent adults.

The youth were very attentive and several of them expressed they were experiencing some of the very same hardships Tammy had a child…very heartbreaking and some tears were shed. The students were told of Jesus and how He is always beside them to comfort and guide them. They were encouraged to learn more about Jesus and to realize He freely gifts to them promises of hope, joy, peace, and faith.  

It was truly a remarkable morning at Harambee Christian School and GHHC feels blessed to be able to connect and share GHHC’s message and mission with more of our Linden neighborhood. Please pray these young children will have a successful academic career and be able to rise above their poverty.

Each child received a student string backpack filled with personal hygiene products and a water bottle; all to help aid them to keep attending school feeling clean and confident. The children were joyful!

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