Our founder and president
Tammy Jewell.
When people ask me how I began my ministry of distributing hygiene items to the helpless and hopeless, less fortunate in this city, I tell them it all comes down to this: This Help Center is God’s. It was all His idea. I am only doing His work.
In 2011 I felt the pull on my heart to begin providing hygiene products for the many people who were without. For most of us, basic hygiene care is something we can’t imagine living without. But for so many, they have lost their dignity because they simply can’t afford everyday items such as soap, shampoo, deodorant and more. For children attending school. . . for out of work men and women looking for jobs. . . for the elderly and homeless. There are so many who lack these basic needs.
In 2016 with the help of an attorney at our church, I was able to apply for corporation status. When God’s Hygiene gets the Tax ID, I can open a checking account in the name of the Help Center to deposit donations. I am praying for that day when I can apply for nonprofit status. On October 25, 2017 I signed and sent the application to the State of Ohio for 501(3)(c).
God’s grace sustains us.
Philippians 2:13 God will never ask us to do anything He doesn’t give us the ability and the power to do. That power and ability is called grace.
GOD! Life!
Am I worthy of the Lord?
I pray so!
I know GOD picked me to serve Him.
Why? I ask. Why?
I’m not good; I’m a bad person
Are you sure you want me?
Yes, He said, yes!
You are the one for many reasons—I chose you!
I smiled, and then I said aloud
Are you sure it’s me you want?
Yes, He said, it’s you I want.
So raise your head up high!
Look at Me!
There are blessings you must have
It’s hard work, but for sure,
I pick you.
Please give these blessings out to others that
I’ll continue to send your way.
Pass them out!
Don’t’ forget to say:
not from me
Thank God this day!