God is Good All of the Time!

Because of GHHC’s small, and somewhat modest accommodations, it is difficult to prepare for the monthly Prayer Gatherings once the weather turns cold. Praise God, He held off the cold weather for the November 5th Prayer Gathering which 45 adults and 5 children attended. A wonderful Scripture lesson on loving our neighbor was shared  – how timely, being that it was also Election Day.

Attendees shared a lunch of pizza, fresh fruit, and cookies; and upon leaving they were able to choose hygiene products and or clothing items.  Each individual left with approximately $20 worth of gifts provided by GHHC’s wonderful partners and supporters.

It continues to be amazing to witness the Linden community coming together to hear from God’s Word. One gal returned to GHHC November 7th to tell the volunteers that she received answers to prayers she had been praying; and asked for more frequent Prayer Gatherings.

Please join GHHC in prayer for all of these sweet souls that the Lord will touch them all deeply. And also pray that the Lord opens a door for GHHC to continue to hold the Prayer Gatherings throughout the winter months.

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